Finally, I have come up with an idea! It took a lot of planning, several lame and not good at all sketches, and many hours of thinking (slight dramatization) but an idea has struck me! I am also actually excited about this one. I really like it! Ok so here is the plan. I am going to take John Lennon’s face, the one that is pretty much really well known, and then I am going to put the words “You may say I’m a dreamer” in inside of his face. I did a couple of sketches already of this idea (unfortunately, those sketches are MIA, so if or when I find them, I will post them). I am really liking the idea I have now. Hmmm, let me think, what else can I say about it… Well the first sketch I made was too small and did not have spaces in between, so I made the second one which was larger and had spaces in between the letters. I am hoping that I am able to make the stamp look like the sketch. Otherwise this will just look like an old lady or something with words on her face. I hope this works out!! And not for the next step, making the stamp!

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