Ok, so we have learned what our next project is going to be. We are doing stamps, again! Almost like what we did last semester, except that the stamps we are going to use are like, five times bigger than the ones we used before. Just looking at the blank stamp is very very intimidating. Anyway, more on the actual project itself. For the project, we have to come up with a phrase, or a word that we like. Then from that word or phrase, we have to come up with a picture, and make the picture out of the word or phrase. It sounds really hard. First of all, I always have so much trouble with these kind of projects. The ones that sound so cool, and I want to make something so cool, but I can never think of anything cool! I am thinking something along the lines of a Viking (for Western), but I will have to sketch it out and see how I like it. Already, everyone at my table is coming up with funny and good ideas. Like Micah is doing a pretty funny one. And Kaitryn came up with also a clever and funny concept… Hmm I am just not sure what I should do!

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